Profile the buyer- speak on phone and check the identity using truecaller
First, speak with the buyer on the phone. Many scammers hide behind bogus email accounts that provide no information about their whereabouts. Ask buyers to give you their phone number and set up a time to chat; the swindlers will quickly disappear.
Meet in a ‘Safe Zone’ with CCTV
If you feel vulnerable and you’re not an automotive expert, bring a friend along if possible. If no safe zone is available, meet in a well-lit public place with plenty of people around. Also, if you have any suspicions, ask to see the buyer’s driver’s license before letting him or her drive your car.
Avoid buyers with too many stories
Many scams begin with pleas for help or unusual requests. In some cases, scammers pose as members of the security agencies to gain sympathy and elicit feelings of patriotism. Avoid all such requests.
Cash or Cheque payment
Before agreeing to meet, tell the prospective buyer the mode of payment. If receiving cash, arrange to meet at the bank and watch as the teller handles the payment. If the buyer wants to pay with cheque, ensure that it clears and the money is in your account before releasing the car.
Don’t be overeager
Many scams work because of the victim’s own eagerness to close a deal they think is sweet. So remember that real buyers will have questions about the car and will probably want to bargain.
Verify the car documents to ensure that they are in the sellers name and that they are genuine. Find out from DVLA if possible.
Welcome to Car Market Ghana, the best car advertisement site in Ghana. We believe that advertising a car should be enjoyable and a delight for the seller. At Car Market Ghana, we aim to simplify the process of advertising your car online to reach out to many people.